Mrs. Jeepers Creepy Christmas
Spider Holiday Wreath
By Linda Valentino

- 9" paper plate
- Light and dark green construction paper
- Tacky glue
- Spiders & Webs foam stickers (Creative Hands)
- Heavy white thread
- Masking tape
- Before starting the spider holiday wreath, discuss spider facts with students. Some ideas follow.
- Cut several 3" x 1 ½" leaves from oaktag for students to use as tracers.
- Cut center from paper plate using plate line as guide.
- Trace and cut 26 leaves from green papers.
- Glue leaves to plate.
- Stick foam web and spider stickers to wreath.
- Stick 4" piece of thread between two large spiders and tape to top of wreath.
- Wrap white thread around wreath and tape ends to back of wreath.
Did you know...
... a spider's blood is light blue?
... a spider is NOT an insect?
... a spider is an arachnid and has 4 pairs of legs and a body that is divided into 2 parts?
... most spiders have 8 eyes?
...spiders can grow a new leg if they lose one?
...the largest spider is the Tarantula which can stretch itself to 10 inches?