The Adventures of the Bailey School Kids
#23 Angels Don't Know Karate
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Melody makes snow angels, which Eddie almost tramples. Melody tells Eddie that everyone has a guardian angel. Eddie points out that the new crossing guard needs one so she won’t get run over by a car while she is painting new crosswalk stripes. She is wearing a bright white snowsuit and gold earmuffs. Later, they follow the new crossing guard, Miss Michaels, to Brewbaker’s Dance and Gym Emporium. Inside the dark building, they find a bright white room with a gold band around the top. Gold mats cover the walls with gold and blue punching bags. Five figures all dressed in white are in the room. Melody thinks it’s a whole flock of angels! Student made trailer Age: Ages 7-9 | Grade: 2-3 Reading Level: LEX 570L | Number of Pages: 80 Teacher page AR Quiz No. 14841 EN Fiction IL: LG - BL: 3.6 - AR Pts: 1.0 AR Quiz Types: RP, VP ISBN 13: 978-0-59-084902-9 Student video
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