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Friday May 25, 2012

Hey, Chloe, have fun with your yearbooks.  Hopefully I can alien bookvisit your school next year!  Elizabeth, I'm glad you like Aliens Don't Wear Braces.  Kaylee, happy to hear that you love Cupid Doesn't Flip Hamburgers.  I like the anti-love potion that Eddie and Howie make. Since summer is almost here, it's time to make out a list of things I want to do this summer.  It's called a Sand Pail List.  I challenge you to do the same.   Have a great holiday weekend, Debbie


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Thursday May 24, 2012

Hi Mayeli, I'm so glad you and Kate love my books.  I have a great time writing them and I plan to make more!  Kate, my first book (with Marcia Jones) was Vampires Don't Wear Polka Dots.  We got the title from something Liza said in the story.  pirate bookWe thought if we made the other titles similar kids would know the books went together because the Bailey School Kids wasn't a series at first.  The books with the do and does are the Bailey Schools Kids Junior Chapter Books.  We wanted to make them sort of the same as the regular Bailey School Kids books, but still a little different so we came up with names like Reindeer Do Wear Striped Underwear and Pirates Do Ride Scooters.  Have a wonderful holiday weekend!  Hope you have something good to read, Debbie

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Tuesday May 22, 2012

You go Jenna!  This summer you might like to try my readingbirthday cards contest.  Click here for more information.  It's a chance to win free books and a visit to your school from me.  The great part is that you get to have reading doing it!  Thanks again for all the great birthday cards!  Still celebrating, Debbie

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Monday May 21, 2012

Joei, it's so cool that you made someone laugh.  I love it!  Trouble at Trident AcademyHope you liked Trouble at Trident Academy.  Have you seen my mini video about it?  Dedmas, please keep in mind that anything posted on the Internet can be traced back to you.  Will, I'm so glad you like Pirates Don't Wear Pink Sunglasses.  I went to a school once where every kid wore pink sunglasses.  That definitely made me laugh!  Ashwin, your idea was great!  Yes, one of my ancestors did fight in the Revolutionary War.  His name was Joel Gibson.  Eleanor, I was 27 when I started writing.  Kelsey, my favorite series is the Adventures of the Bailey School Kids.  My least favorite book is Buffalo Bill and the Pony Express.  I have tons of favorites.  ttyl, Debbie

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Saturday May 19, 2012

Hey Eleanor, my least favorite is Buffalo Bill and the Pony Express and I have lots of favorites, including Trouble at Trident Academy.  Big hello to Kelsey, Griffin, and Elli!  Thanks for all the birthday cards from Woodfill and Bethany schools.  I had so much fun reading them!  Sydney L., I hope you had a good birthday yesterday too. Sam, have a great birthday today! I started writing in Wizards Don't Need ComputersLexington, KY.  Nathaniel and Gunner, I have written 151 books. Noelle, I'm glad you like Wizards Don't Need Computers.  Ethan, it's fun being an author.   Aaron, my first book was Vampires Don't Wear Polka Dots.  Alyssa, I get ideas from everywhere, including schools I visit!  Anna Lee, I have heard of Joan Holub, but I'm not writing anything with her.   Elli, I'm glad you did an author study on me too!  Thanks so much for the chocolates!  Hope to see you all at the Blue Marble today.  I'll be there from 1-3:00.  ttyl, Debbie

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